How to register and contributePlease submit an abstract to present your work using the links below. You will be notified of acceptance before the registration deadline. You may register to attend even if you are not presenting any work, but funding will be allocated preferentially to presenters.
REGISTERING Registration will open until January 22nd 2016. The registration fee is set at €135 and can be paid via a secure payment gatway hosted by the University of Malta. The same page also contains information for how to book your accommodation. To register and book your accommodation, please click here: https://www.um.edu.mt/events/mp12092016/registration Invited speakers are not required to register. NOTE THAT THE PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE WHOLE CONFERENCE. The organisation committee may discard the participants who do not respect this condition.
CONTRIBUTING: TALK OR POSTER To contribute, you must have an account on sciencesconf.org (see below). Contributions can be submitted for both posters or talks from July 1st, 2015 until December 1st, 2015. If you already have an account on sciencesconf.org: |